Transforming health outcomes for individuals, families, and communities.

We’re partnering with beauty salons to address HIV inequities among Black cisgender women.

Because you’re worth it.


The Talk

We’re helping parents talk with their Black sons about racism, sexual health, and how they’re linked.

Because our young men deserve it.

Founding Director, Dr. Schenita Randolph shares the mission, goals, and work of the HEEAT Lab

Get involved

The community is the heart and soul of our work. Learn how you can get involved!


Akili Hestor

Akili Hester is a single father and barber. He also owns Black Wallstreet barbershop, HAYTI Barbershop, and “I think it’s necessary that people in my community are given proper information to share through the community. It’s important that the faces receiving  information look like the faces of the people providing the information. We must know that the information we’re getting is true and factual.”

AKili is a partner with the HEEAT Lab and serves on the Community Advisory Council.


Tamica Campbell Huges

Tamica Campbell Hughs is the co-owner of Pink Kotur Hair Salon and founder of Level Up Parenting, an non-profit organization focusing on single mothers. “By being involved, I bring in other salon owners  and stylists to engage in the research study. The lab's work definitely helps community leaders get it out by provisioning information. The more people have knowledge, the number of Black women with HIV will decrease. The information will change lives once it is out there.”

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